交通事故 合同纠纷 人身损害 遗产继承 工程建筑 房产纠纷 经济仲裁 国际贸易 涉外仲裁 常年顾问
电话:13012902453 - (电话咨询律师请说明来自110法律咨询网)
牟金海,1965年2月出生. 胜利油建公司法事务部,律师.副主任. mou jinhai , corporation lawyer , deputy director of law affairs dept.
专业领域:professional field area of expertise
国内外建设工程合同.民商事纠纷.contracts for construction projects.civil and commercial disputes.fidic条款.外商投资合作foreign investment cooperation.国际贸易.international trade and commerce.
i have graduated from judicial school . and have attended international legal training in john moores university in uk . successfully completed course in international business ,with special of reference of contract law, got certificate of course-completion in the year of 2006.
i am passed nation test of lawyer qualification in 1990.my job as professional lawyer, corporation lawyer, and engaged as a arbitrator on panel of dongying ,shenyanog ,& nanchang arbitration commission.since graduated from judicial school, i am work in law firm as professional lawyer. i am offered appointment as a permanent legal advisor service for local banks, construction corporations, and many shlenli oil field enterprise, accumulated abundance practicing experiences through dealing with legal cases.
i have more than 20 years corporation lawyer experiences in shengli petroleum administrative bureau construction corporation law affair dept.
in recent years, i have been deal with 5 foreign cases as attorney in cietac(china international economic and trade arbitration commission),that have been obtained satisfactory results.
2009.07-2012.06, participated saudy aramco propane pipeline project performing, my position was vice project manager , contract engineer .i got honor certificate from saudi aramco after this project completed.
2012.06-2017.01 participated yadar project in iran, my job was contract manager , and claims engineer. during this period ,i am work efforts with claim team members successfully claimed for project over rmb 100 million.